Hey There 👋 I am
Marc Guinea
Software Engineer
What do I do?
My Stack
A set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops)
Recent Works
The projects I do in my free time and I am proud the most
Laravel DDD Example

This is an example project gathering many technologies and approaches using as a base the DDD and Hexagonal architecture through Laravel framework.

#DDD#SOLID#Best practices
Laravel Robots package

This is a Laravel package that enhaces the framework with the capacity of managing robots file dinamically allowing to differenciate between environments or configurations.

#Package#+20k downloads
From dev.to
Learn, execute, fail, fix... and share with the community!

Sometimes we need to retrieve some kind of handler class that depending on an attribute is...

Stop using Mocking libraries

This weekend I read a post titled "Don't use Mocking libraries" by Crell and I think it's a gold...

Create dummy objects for testing

When testing our application, we usually need to use our objects with fake data in order to cover as...

Understanding Dependency Inversion principle

"Depend upon abstractions, [not] concretions." Dependency Inversion is the "D" of the SOLID...

How to integrate an external API into your PHP application🔥

You are developing an application that requires an integration with a third party API to provide you...

Feature flags in your Symfony project 🌱

Feature flag, or also known as Feature switch, is a functionality that allows to your app to enable...


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